标准的Format函数可以做同样的事情!Format('%。10d',[15])将返回'0000000015'或者:function AddLeadingZeros(const Source: string; Len: Integer): string;var i: Integer;begin Result := Source; for i := 1 to (Len-Length(Source)) do Result := '0' + Resu
function torehtml(const strHTML: string): string;begin Result :=strHTML; Result := StringReplace(Result, '"', '"', [rfReplaceAll]); Result := StringReplace(Result, '''', ''', [rfReplaceAl
function StripHTMLTags(const strHTML: string): string;var P: PChar; InTag: Boolean; i, intResultLength: Integer;begin P := PChar(strHTML); Result := ''; InTag := False; repeat case P^ of '<': InTag := True; '>
function GetHTMLColor(cl: TColor; IsBackColor: Boolean): string;var rgbColor: TColorRef;begin if IsBackColor then Result := 'bg' else Result := ''; rgbColor := ColorToRGB(cl); Result := Result + 'color="#' + Format(