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function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function scrollBanner(timer, moveNumber) { function move(o) { var st = document.documentElement.scrollTop + o.t; var sl = document.documentElement.scrollLeft + (o.c == 0 ? o.a : document.documentElement.clientWidth - o.a - o.offsetWidth); var tc = st - o.offsetTop, lc = sl - o.offsetLeft; with ( { top = o.offsetTop + (tc != 0 ? tc / Math.abs(tc) : 0) * Math.min(Math.abs(tc), moveNumber) + "px"; left = o.offsetLeft + (lc != 0 ? lc / Math.abs(lc) : 0) * Math.min(Math.abs(lc), moveNumber) + "px"; } if (o.person) { with ( { top = o.offsetTop + "px"; left = o.offsetLeft + o.offsetWidth - o.person.offsetWidth + "px"; } } } var hidden = function () { var o = this.parent; window.clearInterval(o.interval); o.parentNode.removeChild(o); this.parentNode.removeChild(this); } this.add = function (to, t, a, c, lo) { /* to为object对象 t为距离顶端距离 当c = 0的时候,a为距离左边的距离 当c != 0的时候,a为距离右边的距离 lo为关闭按钮 */ var div, exec = function () { move(to); }; to.person = lo; to.t = t; to.a = a; to.c = c; with ( { position = "absolute"; display = "block"; top = document.documentElement.scrollTop + t; left = document.documentElement.scrollLeft + (c == 0 ? a : document.documentElement.clientWidth - a - to.offsetWidth); } if ("undefined" != typeof lo) { with ( { position = "absolute"; display = "block"; } lo.onmousedown = hidden; lo.parent = to; } exec(); to.interval = window.setInterval(exec, timer); }; } window.onload = function () { var b = new scrollBanner(10, 15); b.add($("lwc"), 80, 10, 0, $("lwc_c")); b.add($("rwc"), 80, 10, 1, $("rwc_c")); b = null; }
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Vue.js 设计与实现 基于Vue.js 3 深入解析Vue.js 设计细节
本书对 Vue.js 3 技术细节的分析非常可靠,对于需要深入理解 Vue.js 3 的用户会有很大的帮助。——尤雨溪,Vue.js作者