

unit ImgSize; interface uses Classes; procedure GetJPGSize(const sFile: string; var wWidth, wHeight: Word); procedure GetPNGSize(const sFile: string; var wWidth, wHeight: Word); procedure GetGIFSize(const sGIFFile: string; var wWidth, wHeight: Word); implementation uses SysUtils; function ReadMWord(f: TFileStream): Word; type   TMotorolaWord = record     case Byte of       0: (Value: Word);       1: (Byte1, Byte2: Byte);   end; var   MW: TMotorolaWord; begin   { It would probably be better to just read these two bytes in normally }   { and then do a small ASM routine to swap them.  But we aren't talking }   { about reading entire files, so I doubt the performance gain would be }   { worth the trouble. }, SizeOf(Byte));, SizeOf(Byte));   Result := MW.Value; end; procedure GetJPGSize(const sFile: string; var wWidth, wHeight: Word); const   ValidSig: array[0..1] of Byte = ($FF, $D8);   Parameterless = [$01, $D0, $D1, $D2, $D3, $D4, $D5, $D6, $D7]; var   Sig: array[0..1] of byte;   f: TFileStream;   x: integer;   Seg: byte;   Dummy: array[0..15] of byte;   Len: word;   ReadLen: LongInt; begin   FillChar(Sig, SizeOf(Sig), #0);   f := TFileStream.Create(sFile, fmOpenRead);   try     ReadLen :=[0], SizeOf(Sig));     for x := Low(Sig) to High(Sig) do       if Sig[x] <> ValidSig[x] then ReadLen := 0;     if ReadLen > 0 then     begin       ReadLen :=, 1);       while (Seg = $FF) and (ReadLen > 0) do       begin         ReadLen :=, 1);         if Seg <> $FF then         begin           if (Seg = $C0) or (Seg = $C1) then           begin             ReadLen :=[0], 3); { don't need these bytes }             wHeight := ReadMWord(f);             wWidth  := ReadMWord(f);           end            else            begin             if not (Seg in Parameterless) then             begin               Len := ReadMWord(f);               f.Seek(Len - 2, 1);     , 1);             end              else               Seg := $FF; { Fake it to keep looping. }           end;         end;       end;     end;   finally     f.Free;   end; end; procedure GetPNGSize(const sFile: string; var wWidth, wHeight: Word); type   TPNGSig = array[0..7] of Byte; const   ValidSig: TPNGSig = (137,80,78,71,13,10,26,10); var   Sig: TPNGSig;   f: tFileStream;   x: integer; begin   FillChar(Sig, SizeOf(Sig), #0);   f := TFileStream.Create(sFile, fmOpenRead);   try[0], SizeOf(Sig));     for x := Low(Sig) to High(Sig) do       if Sig[x] <> ValidSig[x] then Exit;     f.Seek(18, 0);     wWidth := ReadMWord(f);     f.Seek(22, 0);     wHeight := ReadMWord(f);   finally     f.Free;   end; end; procedure GetGIFSize(const sGIFFile: string; var wWidth, wHeight: Word); type   TGIFHeader = record     Sig: array[0..5] of char;     ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight: Word;     Flags, Background, Aspect: Byte;   end;   TGIFImageBlock = record     Left, Top, Width, Height: Word;     Flags: Byte;   end; var   f: file;   Header: TGifHeader;   ImageBlock: TGifImageBlock;   nResult: integer;   x: integer;   c: char;   DimensionsFound: boolean; begin   wWidth  := 0;   wHeight := 0;   if sGifFile = '' then     Exit;   {$I-}   FileMode := 0;   { read-only }   AssignFile(f, sGifFile);   reset(f, 1);   if IOResult <> 0 then     { Could not open file }     Exit;   { Read header and ensure valid file. }   BlockRead(f, Header, SizeOf(TGifHeader), nResult);   if (nResult <> SizeOf(TGifHeader)) or (IOResult <> 0) or     (StrLComp('GIF', Header.Sig, 3) <> 0) then   begin     { Image file invalid }     Close(f);     Exit;   end;   { Skip color map, if there is one }   if (Header.Flags and $80) > 0 then   begin     x := 3 * (1 shl ((Header.Flags and 7) + 1));     Seek(f, x);     if IOResult <> 0 then     begin       { Color map thrashed }       Close(f);       Exit;     end;   end;   DimensionsFound := False;   FillChar(ImageBlock, SizeOf(TGIFImageBlock), #0);   { Step through blocks. }   BlockRead(f, c, 1, nResult);   while (not EOF(f)) and (not DimensionsFound) do   begin     case c of       ',': { Found image }         begin           BlockRead(f, ImageBlock, SizeOf(TGIFImageBlock), nResult);           if nResult <> SizeOf(TGIFImageBlock) then            begin             { Invalid image block encountered }             Close(f);             Exit;           end;           wWidth := ImageBlock.Width;           wHeight := ImageBlock.Height;           DimensionsFound := True;         end;       'Y': { Skip }         begin           { NOP }         end;       { nothing else.  just ignore }     end;     BlockRead(f, c, 1, nResult);   end;   Close(f);   {$I+} end; end.//调用方法procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var W, H: Word; sFileName:string;beginsFileName:='C:\test\test.jpg'; GetJPEGSize(sFileName, W, H;showmessage(Format('Yes,W:%d,H:%d', [W, H]));end; end;//该代码片段来自于:

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