unit UnitMainForm;
uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, TLHelp32, psapi, StrUtils, Clipbrd, Vcl.Grids, Vcl.Buttons;
type TFormMain = class(TForm) btnSearchParentId: TButton; GroupBox1: TGroupBox; GroupBox2: TGroupBox; Label2: TLabel; EditProcessPath: TEdit; Label3: TLabel; editFileName: TEdit; Label4: TLabel; editFullPath: TEdit; Label5: TLabel; editParentPath: TEdit; Label6: TLabel; editParentFileName: TEdit; Label7: TLabel; editParentFullPath: TEdit; Label8: TLabel; editParentProcessIdHex: TEdit; editParentProcessIdDec: TEdit; Label9: TLabel; Label10: TLabel; rbHex: TRadioButton; rbDec: TRadioButton; editProcessId: TEdit; ComboBoxProcess: TComboBox; Label1: TLabel; editProcessIdHex: TEdit; Label11: TLabel; editProcessIdDec: TEdit; Label12: TLabel; GroupBox3: TGroupBox; BitBtnCopy: TBitBtn; listBoxSubProcess: TListBox; procedure btnSearchParentIdClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ComboBoxProcessChange(Sender: TObject); procedure BitBtnCopyClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;
TProcessItem = class ProcessId: DWORD; ProcessName: string; ModuleName: string;end;var FormMain: TFormMain;
{ 类外的函数声明} function HexToInt(hex: string): integer; function GetProcessFileName(ProcessID: DWORD): string; function GetParentProcessFileName(PID: DWORD): String; function GetParentProcessId(PID: DWORD): DWORD; function GetProcessIdByProcessName(processName: string): DWORD; function GetSubProcessId(PID: DWORD): TList;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TFormMain.BitBtnCopyClick(Sender: TObject);begin
procedure TFormMain.btnSearchParentIdClick(Sender: TObject);var ProcessID: DWORD; processList: TList; processItem: TProcessItem; i: Integer; s: string;begin listBoxSubProcess.Clear; EditProcessPath.Text := ''; editFileName.Text := ''; editParentPath.Text := ''; editParentFileName.Text := ''; editParentFullPath.Text := ''; editParentProcessIdHex.Text := ''; editParentProcessIdDec.Text := ''; editProcessIdHex.Text := ''; editProcessIdDec.Text := ''; if self.ComboBoxProcess.ItemIndex = 0 then begin ProcessID := GetProcessIdByProcessName(editProcessId.Text); if ProcessId = 0 then begin if (rightstr(editProcessId.Text, 4) = '.exe') then begin //ShowMessage('Invalid input.'); exit; end else begin ProcessID := GetProcessIdByProcessName(self.editProcessId.Text + '.exe'); if ProcessId = 0 then begin //ShowMessage('Invalid input.'); exit; end; end; end; end else begin if rbHex.Checked then ProcessID := HexToInt(editProcessId.Text) else ProcessID := DWORD(StrToInt(editProcessId.Text)); end;
editProcessIdHex.Text := ProcessId.ToHexString; editProcessIdDec.Text := ProcessId.ToString;
editFullPath.Text := GetProcessFileName(ProcessID); if editFullPath.Text = '' then begin EditProcessPath.Text := ''; editFileName.Text := ''; editParentPath.Text := ''; editParentFileName.Text := ''; editParentFullPath.Text := ''; editParentProcessIdHex.Text := ''; editParentProcessIdDec.Text := ''; editProcessIdHex.Text := ''; editProcessIdDec.Text := ''; end else begin EditProcessPath.Text := ExtractFilePath(editFullPath.Text); editFileName.Text := ExtractFileName(editFullPath.Text); // 父进程 editParentFullPath.Text := GetParentProcessFileName(ProcessID); if editParentFullPath.Text = '' then begin editParentPath.Text := ''; editParentFileName.Text := ''; editParentProcessIdHex.Text := ''; editParentProcessIdDec.Text := ''; end else begin editParentPath.Text := ExtractFilePath(editParentFullPath.Text); editParentFileName.Text := ExtractFileName(editParentFullPath.Text); editParentProcessIdHex.Text := GetParentProcessId(ProcessID).ToHexString; editParentProcessIdDec.Text := GetParentProcessId(ProcessID).ToString; end;
{查询进程的所有子进程} processList := GetSubProcessId(ProcessID); listBoxSubProcess.Items.Clear; for i := 0 to processList.Count - 1 do begin processItem := TProcessItem(processList[i]); if processItem <> nil then begin s := Format('%s%8s%30s%4s%100s', [processItem.ProcessId.ToHexString, processItem.ProcessId.ToString, processItem.ProcessName, '', processItem.ModuleName]); listBoxSubProcess.Items.Add(s); end; end;
procedure TFormMain.ComboBoxProcessChange(Sender: TObject);begin if self.ComboBoxProcess.ItemIndex = 0 then begin self.rbHex.Visible := false; self.rbDec.Visible := false; end else begin self.rbHex.Visible := true; self.rbDec.Visible := true; end;end;
// -----------------------------------------------// 16进制字符转整数,16进制字符与字符串转换中间函数// -----------------------------------------------function HexToInt(hex: string): integer;var i: integer; function Ncf(num, f: integer): integer; var i: integer; begin Result := 1; if f = 0 then exit; for i := 1 to f do Result := Result * num; end; function HexCharToInt(HexToken: char): integer; begin if HexToken > #97 then HexToken := Chr(Ord(HexToken) - 32); Result := 0; if (HexToken > #47) and (HexToken < #58) then { chars 0....9 } Result := Ord(HexToken) - 48 else if (HexToken > #64) and (HexToken < #71) then { chars A....F } Result := Ord(HexToken) - 65 + 10; end;
begin Result := 0; hex := ansiuppercase(trim(hex)); if hex = '' then exit; for i := 1 to length(hex) do Result := Result + HexCharToInt(hex[i]) * Ncf(16, length(hex) - i);end;
{ 根据ProcessID查找完整的文件路径}function GetProcessFileName(ProcessID: DWORD): string;var Hand: THandle; ModName: Array [0 .. Max_Path - 1] of char; hMod: HModule; n: DWORD;begin Result := ''; Hand := OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION or PROCESS_VM_READ, False, ProcessID); if Hand > 0 then try ENumProcessModules(Hand, @hMod, SizeOf(hMod), n); if GetModuleFileNameEx(Hand, hMod, ModName, SizeOf(ModName)) > 0 then Result := ModName; except end;end;
{ 根据PID查找对于的父进程的完整路径 }function GetParentProcessFileName(PID: DWORD): String;var HandleSnapShot: THandle; EntryParentProc: TProcessEntry32; HandleParentProc: THandle; ParentPID: DWORD; ParentProcessFound: boolean; ParentProcPath: PChar;begin ParentProcPath := nil; ParentProcessFound := False; HandleSnapShot := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); GetMem(ParentProcPath, Max_Path); ZeroMemory(ParentProcPath, Max_Path); try if HandleSnapShot <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin EntryParentProc.dwSize := SizeOf(EntryParentProc); if Process32First(HandleSnapShot, EntryParentProc) then begin repeat if EntryParentProc.th32ProcessID = PID then begin ParentPID := EntryParentProc.th32ParentProcessID; HandleParentProc := OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION or PROCESS_VM_READ, False, ParentPID); ParentProcessFound := HandleParentProc <> 0; if ParentProcessFound then begin GetModuleFileNameEx(HandleParentProc, 0, PChar(ParentProcPath), Max_Path); ParentProcPath := PChar(ParentProcPath); CloseHandle(HandleParentProc); end; break; end; until not Process32Next(HandleSnapShot, EntryParentProc); end; CloseHandle(HandleSnapShot); end;
if ParentProcessFound then Result := ParentProcPath else Result := ''; finally FreeMem(ParentProcPath); end;end;
{ 查找PID的父进程 }function GetParentProcessId(PID: DWORD): DWORD;var HandleSnapShot: THandle; EntryParentProc: TProcessEntry32; HandleParentProc: THandle; ParentProcessFound: boolean;begin Result := 0; ParentProcessFound := False; HandleSnapShot := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); try if HandleSnapShot <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin EntryParentProc.dwSize := SizeOf(EntryParentProc); if Process32First(HandleSnapShot, EntryParentProc) then begin repeat if EntryParentProc.th32ProcessID = PID then begin Result := EntryParentProc.th32ParentProcessID;
break; end; until not Process32Next(HandleSnapShot, EntryParentProc); end; CloseHandle(HandleSnapShot); end;
{ 根据PID查找所有子进程 }function GetSubProcessId(PID: DWORD): TList;var HandleSnapShot: THandle; EntryParentProc: TProcessEntry32; HandleParentProc: THandle; ParentProcessFound: boolean; processList : TList; pProcessItem:TProcessItem; subProcessId: DWORD;begin processList := TList.Create; ParentProcessFound := False; HandleSnapShot := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); try if HandleSnapShot <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin EntryParentProc.dwSize := SizeOf(EntryParentProc); if Process32First(HandleSnapShot, EntryParentProc) then begin repeat if EntryParentProc.th32ParentProcessID = PID then begin pProcessItem := TProcessItem.Create; pProcessItem.ProcessId := EntryParentProc.th32ProcessID; pProcessItem.ProcessName := EntryParentProc.szExeFile; subProcessId := GetProcessIdByProcessName( pProcessItem.ProcessName); pProcessItem.ModuleName := GetProcessFileName(subProcessId); processList.Add(pProcessItem); end; until not Process32Next(HandleSnapShot, EntryParentProc); end; CloseHandle(HandleSnapShot); end;
finally Result := processList; end;end;
{ 根据进程名查找进程ID }function GetProcessIdByProcessName(processName: string): DWORD;var HandleSnapShot: THandle; EntryParentProc: TProcessEntry32; HandleParentProc: THandle; ParentPID: DWORD; ParentProcessFound: boolean;begin ParentProcessFound := False; Result := 0; HandleSnapShot := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); try if HandleSnapShot <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin EntryParentProc.dwSize := SizeOf(EntryParentProc); if Process32First(HandleSnapShot, EntryParentProc) then begin repeat if LowerCase(EntryParentProc.szExeFile) = LowerCase(processName) then begin Result := EntryParentProc.th32ProcessID; break; end; until not Process32Next(HandleSnapShot, EntryParentProc); end; end; finally
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