function IsChineseText(const AStr:{$IFDEF UNICODE}string{$ELSE}WideString{$ENDIF}; const OutCharecterCountValAddr: PInteger = nil; const OutWideCharCountValAddr: PInteger = nil; const CheckAllChar: Boolean = False; const IncludeCharacters: Boolean = True; const IncludeRadicals: Boolean = False; const IncludePUAParts: Boolean = False; const IncludeStrokes: Boolean = False; const IncludePhoneticNotation: Boolean = False; const IncludeAllCharacters: Boolean = False): Boolean;var I, F, C: Integer; IsHasNext, IsDoubleWideChar, IsNoCheckNext, IsFound, IsAllTrue: Boolean; UTF32: DWORD; FFindCoundMode: Boolean;begin Result := False; FFindCoundMode := ((OutCharecterCountValAddr <> nil) or (OutWideCharCountValAddr <> nil)); IsAllTrue := Length(AStr) <> 0;{$IFDEF UNICODE} F := Low(AStr); C := High(AStr);{$ELSE} F := 1; C := Length(AStr);{$ENDIF} IsNoCheckNext := False; for I := F to C do begin IsHasNext := I < C; if IsNoCheckNext then Continue; IsNoCheckNext := False; IsDoubleWideChar := False; if ((AStr[I] >= #$D800) and (AStr[I] <= #$DFFF)) and IsHasNext then begin UTF32 := (Cardinal(AStr[I]) and $000003FF) shl 10 or (Cardinal(AStr[I + 1]) and $000003FF) + $00010000; IsDoubleWideChar := True; IsNoCheckNext := True; end else UTF32 := Ord(AStr[I]);//https://www.qqxiuzi.cn/zh/hanzi-unicode-bianma.php//字符集字数Unicode 编码//基本汉字20902字4E00-9FA5//基本汉字补充38字9FA6-9FCB//扩展A6582字3400-4DB5//扩展B42711字20000-2A6D6//扩展C4149字2A700-2B734//扩展D222字2B740-2B81D//康熙部首214字2F00-2FD5//部首扩展115字2E80-2EF3//兼容汉字477字F900-FAD9//兼容扩展542字2F800-2FA1D//PUA(GBK)部件81字E815-E86F//部件扩展452字E400-E5E8//PUA增补207字E600-E6CF//汉字笔画36字31C0-31E3//汉字结构12字2FF0-2FFB//汉语注音22字3105-3120//注音扩展22字31A0-31BA//?1字3007//http://www.unicode.org/cgi-bin/GetUnihanData.pl?codepoint=UnicodeHexCode IsFound := False; if (not IsFound) and IncludeCharacters then begin IsFound := (UTF32 >= $4E00) and (UTF32 <= $9FA5); end; if (not IsFound) and IncludeCharacters then begin IsFound := (UTF32 >= $9FA6) and (UTF32 <= $9FCB); end; if (not IsFound) and IncludeCharacters then begin IsFound := (UTF32 >= $3400) and (UTF32 <= $4DB5); end; if (not IsFound) and IncludeCharacters then begin IsFound := (UTF32 >= $20000) and (UTF32 <= $2A6D6); end; if (not IsFound) and IncludeCharacters then begin IsFound := (UTF32 >= $2A700) and (UTF32 <= $2B734); end; if (not IsFound) and IncludeCharacters then begin IsFound := (UTF32 >= $2B740) and (UTF32 <= $2B81D); end; if (not IsFound) and IncludeRadicals then begin IsFound := (UTF32 >= $2F00) and (UTF32 <= $2FD5); end; if (not IsFound) and IncludeRadicals then begin IsFound := (UTF32 >= $2E80) and (UTF32 <= $2EF3); end; if (not IsFound) and IncludeCharacters then begin IsFound := (UTF32 >= $F900) and (UTF32 <= $FAD9); end; if (not IsFound) and IncludeCharacters then begin IsFound := (UTF32 >= $2F800) and (UTF32 <= $2FA1D); end; if (not IsFound) and IncludePUAParts then begin IsFound := (UTF32 >= $E815) and (UTF32 <= $E86F); end; if (not IsFound) and IncludePUAParts then begin IsFound := (UTF32 >= $E400) and (UTF32 <= $E5E8); end; if (not IsFound) and IncludePUAParts then begin IsFound := (UTF32 >= $E600) and (UTF32 <= $E6CF); end; if (not IsFound) and IncludeStrokes then begin IsFound := (UTF32 >= $31C0) and (UTF32 <= $31E3); end; if (not IsFound) and IncludeStrokes then begin IsFound := (UTF32 >= $2FF0) and (UTF32 <= $2FFB); end; if (not IsFound) and IncludePhoneticNotation then begin IsFound := (UTF32 >= $3105) and (UTF32 <= $3120); end; if (not IsFound) and IncludePhoneticNotation then begin IsFound := (UTF32 >= $31A0) and (UTF32 <= $31BA); end; if (not IsFound) and IncludeCharacters then begin IsFound := (UTF32 = $3007) end; if (not IsFound) and IncludeAllCharacters then begin IsFound := (UTF32 >= $0391) and (UTF32 <= $FFE5); end;
if IsFound then begin if (not CheckAllChar) then begin Result := True; end; if (OutCharecterCountValAddr <> nil) then begin Inc(OutCharecterCountValAddr^); end; if (OutWideCharCountValAddr <> nil) then begin Inc(OutWideCharCountValAddr^); if IsDoubleWideChar then Inc(OutWideCharCountValAddr^); end; if (not CheckAllChar) and (not FFindCoundMode) then begin Break; end; end else IsAllTrue := False; end; if CheckAllChar then Result := IsAllTrue;end;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);beginif IsChineseText('dfafa中国dfas') thenbegintext:='包含';endelsebegintext:='不包含';end;end;
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