ExceptProc ///定义未知异常处理例程,这是一个很低层的东西!:),不能处理系统异常!
ErrorProc ///定义RTL错误处理例程,也是一个很低层的东西,不过只能处理RunTimeErro!
SafeCallErrorProc ///SafeCall调用处理例程
AssertErrorProc ///断言错误处理例程
AbstractErrorProc: Pointer;///抽象错误处理例程
HPrevInst: LongWord; ///检测程序的进程是否存在,在Win32中不能使用!
MainInstance: LongWord; /// 主程序(.EXE) 实例句柄
MainThreadID: LongWord; { ThreadID of thread that module was initialized in }
IsLibrary: Boolean; ///模块是否是DLL
CmdShow: Integer; ///指定CreateWindow的CmdShow参数
CmdLine: PChar; ///命令行指针
InitProc: Pointer; ///初始化例程
ExitCode: Integer; ///程序退出代码
ExitProc: Pointer; ///程序结束时的退出例程
ErrorAddr: Pointer; ///发生Run Time Error是的地址
RandSeed: Longint; ///随机种子
IsConsole: Boolean; ///是否是控制台程序
IsMultiThread: Boolean; ///是否是多线程
FileMode: Byte; ///打开文件的模式
Test8086: Byte; { Will always be 2 (386 or later) }
Test8087: Byte; { Will always be 3 (387 or later) }
TestFDIV: Shortint; { -1: Flawed Pentium, 0: Not determined, 1: Ok }
GetHeapStatus ///获得内存堆的状态
RaiseLastWin32Error ///请查看帮助,以便获得关于异常的其他函数信息
ErrorAddr variable
Contains the address of a statement causing a runtime error.
ErrorProc variable
Points to the RTL run-time error handler.
ExceptAddr function
Returns the address at which the current exception was raised.
ExceptObject function
Returns a reference to the object associated with the current exception.
ExceptProc variable
Points to the lowest-level RTL exception handler.
ExceptionErrorMessage function
Formats a standard error message.
OutOfMemoryError procedure
Raises an EOutOfMemory exception.
RaiseLastWin32Error procedure
Raises an exception for the last occurring Win32 error.
SetErrorProc function
Replaces the exception handler for error messages that are received from a Windows socket connection.
ShowException procedure
Displays an exception message with its physical address
SysErrorMessage function
Converts Win32 API error codes into strings.
Win32Check function
Checks the return value of a Windows API call and raises an appropriate exception when it indicates failure.
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