unit MyStrUtils;
uses Types;
function Right(S: String; Count: Integer): String;function StartsWith(S, Head: String): Boolean;function EndsWith(S, Tail: String): Boolean;function ChompLeft(S, Left: String): String;function Strip(S: String): String;function PadLeft(S: String; C: Char; L: Integer): String;
procedure DeleteArrayItem(var X: TStringDynArray; const Index: Integer);procedure AddString(var A: TStringDynArray; S: String);function Split(S: String; Delim: Char; Limit: Integer = MaxInt): TStringDynArray;function SplitLines(S: String): TStringDynArray;function Join(Strings: TStringDynArray; Delim: String): String;function StringMatch(Strings: TStringDynArray; S: String): Boolean;function SubstringMatch(Substrings: TStringDynArray; S: String): Boolean;function FindAndDelete(Strings: TStringDynArray; S: String): Boolean;function Concatenate(A, B: TStringDynArray): TStringDynArray;procedure AppendStrings(var A: TStringDynArray; B: TStringDynArray);function OneString(S: String): TStringDynArray;function MakeStrings(const S: array of String): TStringDynArray;function ReplacePrefixedStrings(Strings: TStringDynArray; Prefix: String; NewStrings: TStringDynArray): TStringDynArray;
function GetFile(FN: String): String;procedure PutFile(FN, Data: String);
{uses SysUtils;}
// ***************************************************************
function Right(S: String; Count: Integer): String;begin if Length(S)<=Count then Result := S else Result := Copy(S, Length(S)-Count+1, Count);end;
function StartsWith(S, Head: String): Boolean;begin Result := Copy(S, 1, Length(Head))=Head;end;
function EndsWith(S, Tail: String): Boolean;begin Result := Copy(S, Length(S)-Length(Tail)+1, Length(Tail))=Tail;end;
function ChompLeft(S, Left: String): String;begin while Copy(S, 1, Length(Left))=Left do Delete(S, 1, Length(Left)); Result := S;end;
function Strip(S: String): String;begin while (Length(S)>0) and (S[1] in [#13, #10, #9, ' ']) do Delete(S, 1, 1); while (Length(S)>0) and (S[Length(S)] in [#13, #10, #9, ' ']) do SetLength(S, Length(S)-1); Result := S;end;
function PadLeft(S: String; C: Char; L: Integer): String;begin while Length(S) < L do S := C + S; Result := S;end;
// ***************************************************************
procedure DeleteArrayItem(var X: TStringDynArray; const Index: Integer);var I: Integer;begin for I := Index to High(X)-1 do X[I] := X[I+1]; SetLength(X, Length(X)-1);end;
procedure AddString(var A: TStringDynArray; S: String);begin SetLength(A, Length(A)+1); A[High(A)] := S;end;
function Split(S: String; Delim: Char; Limit: Integer = MaxInt): TStringDynArray;var P: Integer;begin Result := nil; if S='' then Exit; while True do begin SetLength(Result, Length(Result)+1); P := Pos(Delim, S); if (P=0) or (Length(Result) = Limit) then begin Result[High(Result)] := S; Exit end else begin Result[High(Result)] := Copy(S, 1, P-1); Delete(S, 1, P); end; end;end;
function SplitLines(S: AnsiString): TStringDynArray;var I: Integer;begin Result := Split(S, #10); for I:=0 to High(Result) do begin while Copy(Result[I], 1, 1)=#13 do Delete(Result[I], 1, 1); while Copy(Result[I], Length(Result[I]), 1)=#13 do Delete(Result[I], Length(Result[I]), 1); end;end;
function Join(Strings: TStringDynArray; Delim: String): String;var I: Integer;begin Result := ''; if Length(Strings)=0 then Exit; Result := Strings[0]; for I := 1 to High(Strings) do Result := Result + Delim + Strings[I];end;
function StringMatch(Strings: TStringDynArray; S: String): Boolean;var I: Integer;begin Result := True; for I:=0 to High(Strings) do if Strings[I]=S then Exit; Result := False;end;
function SubstringMatch(Substrings: TStringDynArray; S: String): Boolean;var I: Integer;begin Result := True; for I:=0 to High(Substrings) do if Length(Substrings[I])>0 then if Pos(Substrings[I], S)>0 then Exit; Result := False;end;
function FindAndDelete(Strings: TStringDynArray; S: String): Boolean;var I: Integer;begin Result := True; for I:=0 to High(Strings) do if Strings[I]=S then begin DeleteArrayItem(Strings, I); Exit; end; Result := False;end;
function Concatenate(A, B: TStringDynArray): TStringDynArray;var I: Integer;begin SetLength(Result, Length(A) + Length(B)); for I:=0 to High(A) do Result[I] := A[I]; for I:=0 to High(B) do Result[Length(A) + I] := B[I];end;
procedure AppendStrings(var A: TStringDynArray; B: TStringDynArray);var I: Integer;begin SetLength(A, Length(A) + Length(B)); for I:=0 to High(B) do A[Length(A) - Length(B) + I] := B[I];end;
function OneString(S: String): TStringDynArray;begin Result := MakeStrings(S);end;
function MakeStrings(const S: array of String): TStringDynArray;var I: Integer;begin SetLength(Result, Length(S)); for I:=0 to High(S) do Result[I] := S[I];end;
function ReplacePrefixedStrings(Strings: TStringDynArray; Prefix: String; NewStrings: TStringDynArray): TStringDynArray;var I, OldRepStart, OldRepEnd: Integer;begin I := 0; while I < Length(Strings) do begin if Copy(Strings[I], 1, Length(Prefix))=Prefix then Break; Inc(I); end; //if I=Length(Strings) then // raise Exception.Create('Can''t find old representation: ' + Prefix); OldRepStart := I; while I < Length(Strings) do begin if Copy(Strings[I], 1, Length(Prefix))<>Prefix then Break; Inc(I); end; OldRepEnd := I; SetLength(Result, OldRepStart + (Length(Strings)-OldRepEnd) + Length(NewStrings)); for I:=0 to OldRepStart-1 do Result[I] := Strings[I]; for I:=0 to High(NewStrings) do Result[OldRepStart+I] := NewStrings[I]; for I:=0 to Length(Strings)-OldRepEnd-1 do Result[OldRepStart+Length(NewStrings)+I] := Strings[OldRepEnd+I];end;
// ***************************************************************
function GetFile(FN: String): String;var F: File; OldFileMode: Integer;begin OldFileMode := FileMode; FileMode := {fmOpenRead}0; Assign(F, FN); Reset(F, 1); FileMode := OldFileMode; SetLength(Result, FileSize(F)); if FileSize(F)>0 then BlockRead(F, Result[1], FileSize(F)); CloseFile(F);end;
procedure PutFile(FN, Data: String);var F: File;begin Assign(F, FN); ReWrite(F, 1); BlockWrite(F, Data[1], Length(Data)); CloseFile(F);end;
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